March 31, 2025

Fundamentalist Shunning And The Left

Leftism is a religion.  It requires strict adherence to unsupported tenants, it has a priesthood of celebrities and politicians, a system of sin and repentance, and the bloody sacrament of abortion. As I’ve watch Leftism devolve from a political persuasion into a dogmatic and rigid system of precepts, I’ve seen similarities to the religious traditions I grew up in.

I grew up in what is now called the IFB, or “Independent, Fundamental Baptist” Movement. I was homeschooled using a curriculum called the Advanced Training Institute, which was later classified as a cult and whose leader resigned in the disgrace of sexual misconduct. Luckily my wise parents saw the signs and got us out early.

Aside from the particulars of the belief system, modern leftism shares a lot in common with traditional religious fundamentalism. One of the things I’ve noticed is the Left’s treatment and “othering” of the non-believer. It’s exactly like religious fundamentalism.

Growing up, we had this thing called the Doctrine of Separation. This doctrine always seemed to be applied loosely and differently depending on the sect of Christianity or the personality of the leader you are talking about.  In my experience, this doctrine was usually based more on fear and discomfort around “unsafe” people than it was about protecting the tenants of the faith.  

Separation was always practiced in degrees. 1st degree means you don’t associate directly with the “unclean” or “heretical” person. 2nd degree means you don’t associate with the person who associates with the person.  3rd degree means you don’t associate with the person who associates with the person who associates… you get the idea.

I see the same thing on the left, it’s just as insanely irrational, and it’s being made even worse by social media.  Did you like a tweet by someone with #MAGA in their Twitter bio? “Condemned!”  Did you once quote a writer who once sat on a panel with another writer who once wrote for Quillette? “Cancelled!” Did you recommend a book by an author who once took a picture with a guy in a Pepe the Frog shirt? “Grab  the Cement Milkshake, he’s a Nazi!”

I can relate to the fear and righteous indignation some Leftists feel towards the other side. I grew up in it.   One of the great joys of my life has been tearing myself away from that mentality to see the humanity of God’s image-bearers who don’t think like me. When you know what you believe and why you believe it, the unbeliever is no one to be afraid of.  You don’t have to compromise your beliefs to humanize your enemy, and humanizing your enemy will be no danger to right and true belief.  So, let’s talk.  How is your family?  Why the heck are you a leftist? What’s up with that? …Wait- what are you doing with that milkshake?