March 6, 2025

Lead FBI Investigator Finds Startling New Evidence On Epstein’s Death While Scrolling Through Facebook

NEW YORK- There was a huge break in the Epstein case this week after new bombshell evidence buried deep within a cryptic Facebook meme was uncovered by the FBI’s lead investigator Greg Turk.  It seems it’s becoming even more clear that Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire sex-trafficker for the world’s elite, did not really kill himself.

“I was just scrolling through my Facebook feed this morning during breakfast, and there it was,” said Turk. “I thought I was reading a sentimental list of things every child should hear from his parents. One: I love you. Two: I’m proud of you. Three: Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.  …wait, what??”

Evidence continued to mount throughout the afternoon as the FBI received thousands of concerned tips from Boomers who were finding additional corroborating evidence hidden within memes all over Facebook and Twitter.

Attorney General William Barr has told The Petty Prophet that this compelling new meme evidence will be fully examined until the truth of Epstein’s apparent suicide is found.  It has also been discovered that there is a social media counteroffensive being waged, with thousands of memes being shared by twitter  bots saying things like, “Epstein totally did kill himself,” and “Hillary won the election.”

The bots were traced back to a server in Hillary Clinton’s basement.

Also, Jeffery Epstein didn’t kill himself.

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