February 22, 2025

Pro-Choice Women Are Not the Enemy. They Are Slaves Of The Enemy.

We’ve been seeing more ghastly behavior from the pro-choice movement lately.  For a long time, the cult of abortion has successfully hidden behind euphemism and pleasant PR to promote its agenda, but it’s all falling away now.  They’ve lost the scientific debate.  Undercover journalists like Live Action and CMP have exposed the industry for the crunchy horror-show it is. Their PR is in shambles, and we are finally seeing them admit what they already knew: they are killing human beings and they’re ok with it.

By now we’ve seen the videos. Students on campus ratchet up the rhetoric to the most shocking and evil things they can think of. Chants of “Dead Fetuses!” and “I eat baby lungs for breakfast” are designed to maximally offend the pro-lifers they are facing, but they also serve as cover for a deep hurt inside.

A deep-seated pain

That’s what I want to talk about. Some of the vilest rhetoric comes from girls who have had multiple abortions.  And there’s something that bothers me a little about our pro-life responses to these women.  We often share videos of these activists on social media for millions to gape at, tsk-tsk, and condemn. Sometimes, we’ll see the pro-life protestor trying to confront a hysterical abortion supporter with “facts and logic,” only to see them become more hysterical.  Sometimes we laugh at how illogical or stupid their arguments are.

There’s something we need to remember about these post-abortive women. They already know what they’ve done. It is a pain that never fully leaves. It eats away at the soul.  It drives so many of these girls to depression, drug use, and suicide.  “Facts and logic” are not what they need, because they already know the truth.   

When a girl has her first abortion, she is inducted into a cult that will not let her go easily.  The only way to leave that cult is to admit to murder, and accuse 60 million other women of murder as well.  I can’t begin to imagine the courage it must take to do that.  That’s why most post-abortive women don’t take that road. They bury the guilt deep inside until they can’t feel it anymore, and then they move on with their lives.

There are some girls, however, who feel this guilt much more strongly. The shame is not easily buried for them.  And so, they overcompensate.  They join a community of people who tell them again and again that what they did was good. They pile on callous after callous until they can barely feel the guilt anymore.  They keep doing this until their self-loathing turns to hatred for anyone that would dare- with a “facts and logic” smirk on his face, to bring up that pain again.  You can see the pain and conflict in the eyes of women who find themselves triggered by a pro-life display.  They know what they’ve done with every memory of that first little flutter they felt within them. They wonder about the child they will never know.  Satan is a cruel master.

Giving the slave a chance at freedom

I want the pro-life community to see these women, not as the enemy, but as slaves of the enemy.  The pro-life cause is not just an argument that needs to be won.  I think the argument was won long ago.  We are dealing with tens of millions of women who are racked with guilt, who have found comfort in a community of people just like them who will help them bury that guilt as deep as possible. 

These women and girls will remain slaves of a master who hates them unless the church finds the courage to start talking about these issues honestly.  Our message of grace needs to be louder than the lies and false comfort offered by the other side.  The gospel beckons all who are weak and heavy-laden to come and rest.  We pro-lifers have a lot more to offer than airtight logic and sound arguments.  We have the gospel of Jesus and we need to preach it more.  A lot more.

CLICK HERE for more opinion from The Petty Prophet.