February 22, 2025

Can We Reunite Grace and Truth?

I believe the deep political divide in America can be traced back to the diminished influence of Christianity in the last 100 years. While modern liberalism can be described as grace divorced from truth, it can also be argued that modern conservatism is often truth divorced from grace.

Christians follow Jesus, who the Bible says was “full of grace and truth.” For centuries, our Christian culture was able to unite these two seemingly opposing forces. Freedom vs personal restraint, free markets vs charity, grace vs truth. As Christianity diminishes, the grace/truth divide increased until we got leaders like no-truth Hillary and no-grace Trump.

Whether you’re a progressive Christian disgusted by the crass unkindness of Trump, or a Trump-voter angry at the lies of Progressivism, do your best to keep comparing yourself to Jesus instead of the opposition. See how that changes your perspective.

Christ’s home is not with the Trump-voting right, and it is not with the Progressive Left. Christ is much more complicated and his calling more difficult than the cultural dogmas we are immersed in every day. And yet his invitation to us is so simple. Look to Christ, all of him, not just part of him, not just the things you like, but also the things that challenge you. Instead of allowing the culture to define who Jesus is to you, let him speak for himself through the words of scripture and the Holy Spirit to your heart and mind. It is here where you will find unity with the “other.”

In doing so, you will find that the lies and twisted truths of both progressive, as well as right-wing sensibilities will melt away and the person of Christ is so much more beautiful. Then cling to it while our lost culture swings wildly back and forth.

Oh, and try to be nice on Twitter.

CLICK HERE for more op-ed from The Petty Prophet!

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